How do migration and mobility create and change Europe and Europeanization?
Instead of problematizing migration and mobility, they are used as a productive tool to analyse the socio-political, historical, cultural and spatial changes made possible by Europeanization within Europe and its neighbouring regions. The central question is: How do migration and mobility generate and change Europe and Europeanization? The cluster pursues an integrative approach based on various strands of research that emphasize the connection between migration, mobilities and borders. The cluster's research program encompasses both macro and micro levels of analysis of policies, institutions, infrastructures, materialities, bodies, perceptions, communities and places. Building on recent research on the coloniality of migration and borders, intersectional approaches to mobility, and approaches to the tracking of things, commodities, labor, etc., the cluster examines what makes some people and things mobile and others immobile, and furthermore asks how territories and borders adapt and change in this process.
Visiting Fellows in the Cluster
Talking about the weather: inequalities and perceptions of socio-environmental risk in transnational migrant networks between Latin America and Europe
Redrawing Europe's map-of-logo: Markets, Territory, and Empire
Cascading processes from securitisation to criminalisation of asylum at European Union boundaries: Austrian -internal- and Spanish -external- borders as case studies
| Zentrum für Südosteuropastudien |
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