Level: Postdocs or doctoral candidates; all Disciplines.
Duration of fellowships: Fellowships will be awarded for a minimum of 6 months, up to a maximum of 24 months
Fellowship rates will be in line with MSCA Doctoral Networks and MSCA Postdoctoral Fellowships!
Eligibility criteria (selection): (1) Ukrainian nationals, or (2) stateless persons, or nationals from third countries other than Ukraine, with their primary residence in Ukraine on 24 February 2022.
Either (1) have been displaced on or after 24 February 2022, or (2) are ready to relocate from Ukraine. [Section 4.2, p. 7 in Terms of Reference ]
It is advisable to submit your application as soon as possible after the portal opens, as demand is likely to be high and funding is likely to be exhausted quickly!
Submit applications as soon as possible after October 24 (Portal opens)! Once the portal opens, applications will be reviewed on a rolling basis (for Eligibility check) with regular cut-off dates until all available funds are committed. First cut-off day: 11 November 2022.
Important : All the relevant information on the MSCA4Ukraine call for applications is now available, including the Call and the Terms of Reference. These documents cover eligibility criteria, application requirements, guidance for applicants and further terms and conditions. https://sareurope.eu/msca4ukraine/information-for-applicants/
If you are interested to submit a MSCAUkraine proposal in the Field of Excellence “Dimensions of Europeanization” (DoE) pls get in contact with a/your mentor and pls contact Harald Kleinberger-Pierer harald.kleinberger-pierer(at)uni-graz.at (Research Manager DoE) via email for more information.