DHInfra.at - Digital Humanities Infrastructure Austria
Austrian Federal Ministry of Education, Science and Research
DHInfra.at is building an infrastructure for digitally supported research in the Austrian humanities. It fills the gap between standard offerings in cultural heritage institutions (digitization), in research data management (curated and integrated repositories vs. institutional repositories), in software solutions (subject-specific open source products), and in HPC offerings for the natural, technical and life sciences for processing large amounts of data with machine learning. Equipment for digitization (scanning robots, multispectral cameras) and storage (Ceph) for repositories for data from the cultural heritage institutions as well as GPU clusters for research with and productive use of machine learning methods are procured and implemented. Open source software is adapted and further developed to meet the specific needs of the community. The existing CLARIAH-AT consortium facilitates governance and long-term maintenance of the infrastructure.
For more information visit https://www.dhinfra.at/
Univ.-Prof. Dr.phil. M.A. Georg Vogeler
Institut für Digitale Geisteswissenschaften