So it is with your banishment from the country you consider your home: For by nature there is no home, just as there is no house, no field, no smithy [...] or doctor's surgery. Rather, each of these is made into one, is given a name and is named after its owner and user. For man is, as Plato says, "not an earthly or immovable plant, but a heavenly one.(Plutarch, On Exile (600 E))
For centuries, different concepts of home are and have been negotiated in diverse art forms (such as literature, music, theater, visual arts, performance arts, and film). The organizers of the interdisciplinary conference "Versions of Home: Adapting - Rewriting - Referencing in the Arts" invite researchers from various fields who investigate how multiple versions of home have developed and changed across the arts. The conference is intended to promote critical scholarly exchange among various disciplines. Interdisciplinary approaches are particularly encouraged.
University of Graz Campus
The conference will take place at the ReSoWi building in room SZ 15.22. Here are is more information on how to get to the university and on public transportation in Graz:
How to get there | |
Map of the campus | |
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For further information on the conference please contact
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Conference Board
| Institut für Amerikanistik |
| Institut für Slawistik |
| Zentrum für Inter-Amerikanische Studien |
| Centrum für Jüdische Studien |
| Institut für Kunst- und Musikwissenschaft |