Anica Draganic
Digital Narratives of ex-Yugoslav Dissonant Heritage from Transnational Perspectives
Today, narratives about Yugoslavia range in varying degrees from fervent anti-communist totalitarian repression and nationalism to optimistic tales of prosperity, security and respect in non-existent countries that represented a glorious moment in the history of several nations. In such circumstances, young people born and raised in the post-socialist digital era have difficulty objectively perceiving the values of the Yugoslav heritage.
My current research focuses on a multidisciplinary investigation of the narratives of the communist regime to create a basis for a comparative analysis of tangible and intangible "dissonant heritage" in the former Yugoslavia. I decided on a comparative method that will enable overcoming national frameworks and posing problematic questions in at least two different contexts.
The project aims to problematize the heritage value of a particular socio-economic context, especially in terms of memory, shared values and cultural identity.
I see the digitization of the narrative of the Yugoslav past from a transnational perspective as a way of improving the European cultural identity in its unity and diversity.
By digitally presenting communist heritage as a framework for realizing the ideas and practices of a European society based on equality, justice and solidarity, I want to point out how relevant this heritage is today in the search for models of social life that would enable the emancipation, participation and intercultural dialogue of young people.
Anica Draganic is a Senior Visiting Fellow during the summer semester 2024 working closely with the Cluster Cultural Memory and Cultural Hertitage in Europe in the Context of Digital Transformation.