The University of Graz invites researchers to a two-day intensive MSCA workshop on 26-27th May 2025. Meet experts, the national Contact Points of MSCA in Austria, experienced researchers and evaluators! Get informed on MSCA and the University of Graz.
For all participants in our workshop who submit a proposal with the University of Graz as a host, we will reimburse costs associated with travelling to the workshop (up to 600€)!
Send your CV and the name of your mentor to Harald Kleinberger-Pierer.
Places for participation are limited! This call is open until the workshop is full! More information can be found at Research Management and Services at University of Graz.
Dimensions of Europe additionally offers a Meet the Mentor Event on 28th of May. Please contact europe(at) All who participate on May 28th will receive an additional renumeration of 300 € after the submission of an eligible proposal in September.
The University of Graz Seal-of-Excellence Positions
In addition, the University of Graz will fund up to three applicants that got rejected but received a Seal of Excellence (score min. 85%) with a temporary PostDoc position for resubmission. That way you can resubmit and have no gap of employment till you can (hopefully) start your fellowship a year later!
Support from the University of Graz for MSCA Proposals
For all participants in the local workshop and for all others intending to submit with us as a host the University of Graz supports your application for a MSCA Postdoctoral Fellowship (PF) with Proposal Checks, an MSCA-Information package and other intensive support until the submission is complete!
An MSCA Fellowship provides you with a working contract for 12 – 24 months at the host institution and extra funding for your mobility, family and training costs.
Eligibility for MSCA-PF and the MSCA workshop at University of Graz:
a. You have not lived in Austria for over 12 months in the past 3 years prior to the deadline (10th September 2025)
b. You have successfully defended your PhD at the call deadline (10th September 2025) and not more than 8 years of fulltime equivalent in research since the PhD, with few exceptions.
c. Approval of a mentor from the University of Graz.
Find your mentor here.
If you want to apply for the workshop, want to submit a proposal for an MSCA Fellowship with the University of Graz or if you need a suggestion for a possible mentor please contact: harald.kleinberger-pierer(at) and msca(at)